Thursday, October 29, 2009

Here it is almost Halloween. This year has flown by.

My team has almost tripled with Avon and I won a cruise and have already gone and come back. What an amazing year.

I love what I do for a living!!!

Happy Halloween!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Just got back from the Avon Conference in Las Vegas...totally awesome!

I saw the new fourth quarter products and the company is doing many great things to help us earn more money.

Check out the new product that will be coming out soon at

Let me know if you would like to try it out. 100% satisfaction guarantee. This product took 5 years to develop and Avon holds 3 patents pending on this.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Wow! I can't believe that it is already August! This year has just flown by.

I am getting ready to go to Conference in Las Vegas with Avon. I can't wait to see some of the other people that will be there and I just found out that my fave, Suze Orman will be there also. Hurray!!!

My Avon business is exploding. If anyone needs to make more money or has lost their job, they really should think about joining. It only costs $20 to sign up online.

Check out the infomercial with Suze Orman and Deborah Norville and if you want to know more, just email me.

Monday, July 20, 2009

It's been over 8 months now

It's been over 8 months since I left my full time manager job. (just over broke)

I am so glad I quit. My health is 100% better and with my new business, It Works!, I am actually losing inches and getting even healthier.

My Avon business is booming and I can actually see the light at the end of the tunnel now.

I won't say that it hasn't been tough at times, it has been. But keeping positive is the key to success and knowing that you can be successful will make a difference in anyone's life.

I have been listening to the Law of Attraction CD's and can see them working in my life. I have also been listening to Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich CD's.

Life is just getting better every day!

Monday, July 6, 2009

My how times does fly

My how time does fly! I no sooner start this blog, then I get super busy with building my businesses! It is soooooo exciting!

It has now officially been 8 months since I left my Manager job at Harmon's. I did love my job, but my health is 100% better and the migraines are fewer.

I have added 26 people to my downline within the last 30 days!!! I never could have imagined that happening.

I have learned a lot more about marketing online and am in the middle of preparing my own website, a place where people can go to find out how to start a home based direct sales business with legitimate companies.

I love to help others. I feel so blessed to be able to do what I love.

Friday, February 13, 2009

I quit my job

I did it. I quit my job in October! I quit because I had finally had enough of the corporate garbage and being worked to death for little pay.

I decided that I would give my notice and look for something else. I had never had trouble finding another job, so of course I wouldn't now.

Have I told you what the word JOB really means? ...."Journey of the Broke".

If you plan to read what I am writing about, then get used to me throwing in something here and there. Random thoughts is what I call them and sometimes they lead to a whole new subject. But, let me get back to my story of finding another job.

Much to my dismay, the want ad section in the Sunday newspaper seemed a little thin to me. I found a few jobs to send my newly updated resume to and I was sure I would be called for some interviews, after all, look at the experience that I had.

Hmmm, checking my emails every day and making sure the phone is still working. Yep, the phone is working. Is there something wrong with my email? Nope, of course not....all full of junk as usual. But where are those responses wanting me to come in for an interview? Oh wait, here is one!

A rejection? Whhhhhhhaaaaaatttt!!! I was sent a rejection via email? What on earth is going on?

I go back to my resume to make sure that everything is correct. Hmm, looks fine to me. Well, what do they know.

Let's check Yahoo Hot Jobs and see what they have online. I think that is why there aren't many printed want ads in the paper, they are all using online ads now, yes, that is it.

Stay tuned for more of "As the World Changes".....